'n vrou wat glimlag met arms opgelig in uitgestrekte gebaar
Image deur Anastasia Borisova

InnerSelf se daaglikse inspirasie

Junie 26, 2024

Die fokus vir vandag is:

When I practice being more grateful and optimistic, I improve my health.

Today's inspiration:

Mense in 'n onlangse studie wat meer dankbaar was, het laer bloeddruk en hartklop gehad, sowel as groter gevoelens van waardering teenoor ander.

Die studie, gepubliseer in die tydskrif Emosie, finds that optimism is also linked to health and mental benefits, such as better sleep quality and more positive expectations and reflections.

The findings show that gratitude and optimism are positive psychological dispositions associated with beneficial outcomes. Gratitude highlighted the positive aspects of the day, whereas optimism minimized the negative aspects of the day, the study indicates.

Vandag se inspirasie is aangepas uit die InnerSelf.com-artikel:
     Die gulsige rede om optimisties te wees en dankbaarheid te hê
     Written by Jared Wadley, University of Michigan.
Lees die volledige artikel hier.

Oor die outeur:  David Newman was the study’s lead author and is a postdoctoral scholar of psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco.

Dit is Marie T. Russell, mede-uitgewer van InnerSelf.com, wishing you a day of practicing gratitude and optimism (today and every day)

Kommentaar deur Marie:
 When we feel sick, we have no energy and it's difficult to find things to be grateful for, and optimism can be hard to come by. However, when we feel good, we easily experience gratitude and optimism. So perhaps this is a case of choosing to feel the feeling first in order to create the energy we want. As Wayne Dyer has famously written: "You'll see it when you believe it!" Practicing gratitude will help create or attract more and more situations for which to be grateful, and our optimism will naturally increase. 

Ons fokus vir vandag: When I practice being more grateful and optimistic, I improve my health.

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