afgan agressie

Afghaanse bloedbad lig lig op kultuur van manie en aggressie in Amerikaanse troepe in Afghanistan

Demokrasie Nou

Democracy Now praat met die joernalis Neil Shea, wat sedert 2006 verslag gedoen het oor Afghanistan en Irak vir Stars and Stripes en ander publikasies. Shea bespreek sy ervarings van ontstellende gedrag tydens sy reise met Amerikaanse troepe in Afghanistan en bied insig in die begrip van die slagting op 16 Afghaanse burgers.

"When we cycle our soldiers and marines through these wars that don’t really have a clear purpose over years and years...we expect light-switch control over their aggression," Shea says. "We expect to be able to turn them into killers and then turn them back into winners of hearts and minds. And when you do that to a man or a woman over many years, that light-switch control begins to fray."
